Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Small Victories

We've gotten some more blinds in place- despite Ikea lieing to us about their stock levels, and sending Aimee on an hour long wasted wild goose chase.

I've got some clothing storage solutions in place, and some in progress, hopefully I'll be able to have more than suitcase worth of cloths available to me on a daily basis without having to dig through random boxes. This project is the result of having copious built in shelving in the old place that afforded me never using a convetntional dresser or anything.

We have new fixtures in the rabbit room. Aside from some furniture for the buns to play on, that room is pretty well in hand; yes!

Our phone service is up. Same number as the old place. Mom and Dad sent their old double hand-set system to us so now we can use them as an intercom to chat from opposite sides of the house. Very important feature.

It doesn't even feel like we've been there a week, even though we have . . The 4 day weekend that was mostly either visiting friends, or cleaning the old apartment has a lot to do woth that feeling. It will be nice to spend a weekend at home. Our new home. And do some home-on-the-weekend things. . . I wonder if it will be this weekend.

Just around the corner is christmas with all its running around and travelling. Then there is the emotional hangover month of recovery for Jan. We're not going to be able to have a house warming till Feb. at this rate.

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