Friday, November 7, 2008

heat, glorious heat!

I am meeting the guy from Seelig Fuel today to have our furnace serviced and have him show me how to turn it on. Nathan flipped a switch last night and the great beast whirred to life... then he shut it right off again. shoot, for all we know that would just release a bunch of fumes into the basement and poison us all, or blow the house up.... yes, we have a lot to learn yet. better safe than sorry!! Speaking of safety: we have several smoke detectors, two of which work, one of which is in the kitchen drawer. We will also need a carbon monoxide detector. Finally, we will get to use those gift certs. from Home Despot that we got for wedding gifts!!

got a bunch of supplies yesterday from a lady who'd posted on Craigslist. We now have 1 6' ladder, one stepladder, a very old table saw, a wheelbarrow (which I still need to pick up 'cause it didn't fit in the car with all the other stuff!) 1 additional garden hose, 2 plant pots, a mop bucket, and a ton of plastic hangers. Today I go get painting supplies from a guy in U District.

ok, gotta run!

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